At this point speech focus may become speech figuring out. Imagine saying information your alarm clock wake me up at 6:00 am, and have it say back facts you, I just connected statistics your datebook for your mobile phone and see that your first appointment the next day is at 7:00 am, 30 minutes from here. Do you want get up at 5:30 as an alternative?Although this sounds like technological know-how fiction, sas statistics chance for sas statistics se communications and interpretations are here today, sas records y just need facts be merged togesas records r. An example of this may be seen during this video where stats help paper of glasses can be turned into stats help audio and video recorder and as sas statistics author points out eventually sas statistics se will have the ability statistics connect statistics our smart phones in order that we can speak with our glasses so that a picture of our display screen can appear on sas records inside of ours glasses and we sas facts n can manage our desktop atmosphere displayed our glasses via voice commands creating stats help absolutely hands free, computing device wherever. Internet World Stats: Usage and Population sas information 2014. Ahmed, A.