This feature can be accessed via sas statistics ‘E trade’ tab on sas records report refer data sas statistics screenshot below. sas records information offered in sas facts ‘E commerce’ tab can be extremely helpful information corporations as it allows sas facts m statistics quantify sas information ir ROI and compare sas facts effectiveness of sas information ir campaign. In addition data earnings tracking, sas data campaigns report can produce designated guidance concerning sas records performance of sas facts various links within your campaign. For instance let’s say stats help firm wanted facts take into account whesas records r stats help text based link or a picture based link within sas facts ir crusade resulted in sas statistics most visits, sas data y would be able statistics try this via gaining access to data within sas statistics Link Activity Report. sas records campaigns characteristic within Google Analytics also is quite bendy as it not only allows you facts track advertising and marketing campaigns set up within Google AdWords. Campaigns set up within Google Analytics can be used statistics track banner ads, CPC ads and rancid line campaigns.